Incarnation of the Messiah and Birth of John
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Incarnation of the Messiah and Birth of John

The content discusses an angel’s announcement to Mary about the birth of Jesus, highlighting her faith and praise. It also introduces John the Baptist, who would herald Jesus as the Messiah. The message encourages listeners to rethink their idea of greatness from God’s perspective. This teaching, part of a series on Luke’s Gospel by Skip Heitzig from Calvary Albuquerque, offers deep reflections on these biblical events and their implications for modern faith.

John the Baptist is Born
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John the Baptist is Born

Zechariah had been struck dumb after the encounter with the angel in the temple, where the angel said his wife who was barren was going to bare a child. He was told his name was to be John. After the miracle happened and the baby was born, they brought him to the temple to dedicate him to the Lord. Zachariah still could not speak, and when it came to naming the boy, everyone assumed he would be called Zachariah, or something similar. But Zachariah asked for a writing tablet and he wrote, “His name is John.” His mouth was opened…

PART 1 – His Incarnation, Birth and Childhood
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PART 1 – His Incarnation, Birth and Childhood

The Birth & Childhood of Jesus For anyone who wants to join in, we are opening up a Bible discussion on “Following Jesus through the Gospels”. This is an opportunity to share what God is saying to you through the passages, and so we can mutually build one another up. There are no experts here – just sharing God’s Word. Outline

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